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Rapidflame is a specialist manufacturer of industrial gas burners and control systems, covering all major industries. Rapidflame is the leading supplier of flame treatment systems to the Chinese automotive industry.
Rapidflame manufacture a large range of Industry standard and special purpose gas burners designed for any fuel gas with compressed air and oxygen operation.
Rapidflame high temperature furnace burners include our Tecflame burner range.
Medium and high velocity designs are available with a range of combustion chambers and metering arrangements to suit all furnace applications. Burners can be supplied with complete packaged combustion control systems
Custom designed plant for industrial process heating are supplied under complete design and build contracts.
Research and development projects with staged approach are undertaken employing 50 years of burner design and application experience over many industries.
Rapidflame supply a range of packaged air-gas combustion systems tailored for diverse industrial applications. Our NECO packed burners are engineered for medium and low-temperature air heating and oven firing, making them ideal for grain dryers, bakery ovens, textile and chemical drying processes. With a focus on low NOx emissions and high turndown operation. Capacities ranging from 4 kW to 700 kW.
Rapidflame supply a large range of combustion control and safety components. All conforming to applicable EN and other International safety standards.