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Rapidflame supply a range of burners and process heating systems for paper and board treatment on web processing machines. Processes include laminating, fibre burn-off and curing.

Industrial air heaters and hot water generators are available for energy efficient thermal processing in washing and drying processes. For more information about our products and systems for the Paper and Board industries, please contact us.


ISO 9001: 2015

Rapidflame’s team of highly experienced burner application engineers offer a confidential working partnership, and use the ISO 9001 quality assurance system to ensure high-quality service. Our team have 40 years of burner application experience to draw on. With Chartered UK engineers status, our team provides a professional approach in a global environment, supporting combustion in all industries.

+44 (0)161 9893363

© 2023 Rapidflame Limited

We are exhibiting at:

China Plas April 2023,

Shenzen, China.


Bakery China, May 2023,

Shanghai, China.


China Glass, May 2023, Shanghai, China


Thermprocess, June 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany.



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