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If flame intensity is high enough, and residence time of plastic in the flame is increased, modification and realignment of surface molecules creates a stronger plastic surface, which is also smoother and with fewer micro cracks and weak points.

This effect is often called surface polishing. It requires a high intensity burner flame and accurate control of plastic product residence time in the flame. This process is often used in plastic tube manufacturing where tubes can be stretched around 50% after initial extrusion. Surface weak points and micro cracks in the original extrusion significantly reduce the stretching capability if the product is untreated. For more information about our surface modification systems, please contact us.

ISO 9001
ISO 9001: 2015

Rapidflame’s team of highly experienced burner application engineers offer a confidential working partnership, and use the ISO 9001 quality assurance system to ensure high-quality service. Our team have 50 years of burner application experience to draw on. With Chartered UK engineers status, our team provides a professional approach in a global environment, supporting combustion in all industries.

© 2025 Rapidflame Limited

We recently exhibited at:

Boiler India Booth C282

September 25th - 27th,

Mumbai, India


Furnaces North America

FNA show. Booth 830

October 14th - 16th, 2024

Columbus, Ohio, USA


Exhibitions for 2025 will be published here when arrangements are complete

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